2024 Public Holidays in Portugal

By | January 14, 2024

Public Holidays in Portugal in 2024

Portugal, a country with a rich history and vibrant culture, celebrates several public holidays throughout the year. These holidays reflect the nation’s religious traditions, historical events, and cultural heritage. From commemorating the Carnation Revolution to observing Catholic feast days and honoring national heroes, these holidays hold significant importance for the Portuguese people. Below is a comprehensive list and description of public holidays in Portugal for the year 2024.

National Holidays

New Year’s Day (Ano Novo) – January 1st

New Year’s Day is celebrated in Portugal as the first day of the Gregorian calendar year. It is a time for gatherings with family and friends, festive meals, and cultural events. Many Portuguese cities host New Year’s Eve parties and fireworks displays to welcome the new year in style.

Carnation Revolution (Revolução dos Cravos) – April 25th

The Carnation Revolution, also known as Freedom Day, commemorates the peaceful coup d’état that ended Portugal’s Estado Novo dictatorship on April 25th, 1974. It is a day of national pride and remembrance, marked by ceremonies, parades, and cultural events. The symbol of the carnation flower, representing peace and liberty, is prominently displayed throughout the country on this day.

Labor Day (Dia do Trabalhador) – May 1st

Labor Day in Portugal is a time to honor the contributions of workers and the labor movement. It is marked by rallies, marches, and demonstrations organized by trade unions and labor organizations to advocate for workers’ rights and social justice. Many Portuguese also use Labor Day as an opportunity to relax and spend time with family and friends.

Portugal Day (Dia de Portugal) – June 10th

Portugal Day commemorates the death of Luís de Camões, a renowned Portuguese poet, on June 10th, 1580. It is also known as Camões Day and is celebrated with cultural events, exhibitions, and poetry readings throughout the country. Portugal Day is an occasion for Portuguese people to celebrate their national identity, heritage, and achievements.

Assumption of Mary (Assunção de Nossa Senhora) – August 15th

The Assumption of Mary is a Catholic feast day celebrating the belief that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken bodily into heaven at the end of her earthly life. It is a significant religious holiday in Portugal, marked by Mass, processions, and Marian devotions. Many Portuguese attend church services and participate in traditional customs to honor the Virgin Mary on this day.

Republic Day (Implantação da República) – October 5th

Republic Day commemorates the establishment of the Portuguese Republic on October 5th, 1910, following the overthrow of the monarchy. It is a day to celebrate Portugal’s democratic ideals and values, including freedom, equality, and citizenship. Republic Day is marked by ceremonies, parades, and cultural events that highlight the country’s republican heritage and achievements.

All Saints’ Day (Dia de Todos os Santos) – November 1st

All Saints’ Day is a Catholic holiday that honors all the saints and martyrs, known and unknown, who have attained heaven. In Portugal, it is a day for visiting cemeteries, lighting candles, and offering prayers for deceased loved ones. Many Portuguese attend Mass and participate in religious processions to honor the saints and seek their intercession.

Restoration of Independence (Restauração da Independência) – December 1st

The Restoration of Independence commemorates Portugal’s declaration of independence from Spain on December 1st, 1640, following the Portuguese Restoration War. It is a day to celebrate Portugal’s sovereignty and national identity. Restoration of Independence Day is marked by ceremonies, flag-raising events, and historical reenactments that reflect on the country’s struggle for freedom.

Christmas Day (Natal) – December 25th

Christmas Day is celebrated by Christians worldwide as the birth of Jesus Christ. In Portugal, it is a time for religious services, family gatherings, and festive meals. Many people decorate their homes with Christmas decorations and lights, and gifts are exchanged among family members and friends. Portuguese families also share the traditional Christmas meal, consisting of bacalhau (salted codfish), sweets, and other delicacies.

Saint Stephen’s Day (Dia de Santo Estêvão) – December 26th

Saint Stephen’s Day, also known as Boxing Day, is a continuation of the Christmas celebration in Portugal. It is a time for visiting relatives, attending church services, and enjoying leisure activities. Many Portuguese extend their Christmas festivities by exchanging gifts and sharing meals with loved ones on this day.


Portugal observes a variety of public holidays throughout the year, each with its own cultural, historical, and religious significance. These holidays provide opportunities for the Portuguese people to come together, celebrate their heritage, and honor their traditions. Whether commemorating the Carnation Revolution, observing religious festivals, or reflecting on the country’s democratic values, public holidays in Portugal play an important role in fostering national unity, pride, and identity.

Public Holiday Date Days Off Groups Celebrating
New Year’s Day January 1 1 All
Carnation Revolution April 25 1 All
Labor Day May 1 1 Workers, All
Portugal Day June 10 1 All
Assumption of Mary August 15 1 Christians, All
Republic Day October 5 1 All
All Saints’ Day November 1 1 Christians, All
Restoration of Independence December 1 1 All
Christmas Day December 25 1 Christians, All
Saint Stephen’s Day December 26 1 Christians, All

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